Dapr Quickstarts

Hit the ground running with our Dapr quickstarts, complete with code samples aimed to get you started quickly with Dapr.


We are actively working on adding to our quickstart library. In the meantime, you can explore Dapr through our tutorials.

Before you begin


Publish and SubscribeAsynchronous communication between two services using messaging.
Service InvocationSynchronous communication between two services using HTTP or gRPC.
State ManagementStore a service’s data as key/value pairs in supported state stores.
BindingsWork with external systems using input bindings to respond to events and output bindings to call operations.
ActorsRun a microservice and a simple console client to demonstrate stateful object patterns in Dapr Actors.
Secrets ManagementSecurely fetch secrets.
ConfigurationGet configuration items and subscribe for configuration updates.
ResiliencyDefine and apply fault-tolerance policies to your Dapr API requests.
WorkflowOrchestrate business workflow activities in long running, fault-tolerant, stateful applications.
CryptographyEncrypt and decrypt data using Dapr’s cryptographic APIs.

Last modified June 19, 2023: Merge pull request #3565 from dapr/aacrawfi/skip-secrets-close (b1763bf)