NetworkChaos Experiment

This document describes how to create NetworkChaos experiments in Chaos Mesh.

NetworkChaos actions are divided into two categories:

  • Network Partition action separates pods into several independent subnets by blocking communication between them.

  • Network Emulation (Netem) Chaos actions cover regular network faults, such as network delay, duplication, loss, and corruption.

Network Partition Action

Below is a sample network partition configuration file:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: NetworkChaos
  3. metadata:
  4. name: network-partition-example
  5. namespace: chaos-testing
  6. spec:
  7. action: partition
  8. mode: one
  9. selector:
  10. labelSelectors:
  11. '': 'tikv'
  12. direction: to
  13. target:
  14. selector:
  15. namespaces:
  16. - tidb-cluster-demo
  17. labelSelectors:
  18. '': 'tikv'
  19. mode: one
  20. duration: '10s'
  21. scheduler:
  22. cron: '@every 15s'

For more sample files, see examples. You can edit them as needed.


  • action defines the specific chaos action for the pod. In this case, it is network partition.
  • mode defines the mode to run chaos action.
  • selector specifies the target pods for chaos injection. For more details, see Define the Scope of Chaos Experiment.
  • direction specifies the partition direction. Supported directions are from, to and both.
  • target specifies the target for network partition.
  • duration defines the duration for each chaos experiment. In the sample file above, the network partition lasts for 10 seconds.
  • scheduler defines the scheduler rules for the running time of the chaos experiment. For more rule information, see robfig/cron.

Netem Chaos Actions

There are 4 cases for netem chaos actions, namely loss, delay, duplicate, and corrupt.


The detailed description of each field in the configuration template are consistent with that in Network Partition.

Network Loss

A Network Loss action causes network packets to drop randomly. To add a Network Loss action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, two action specific attributes are required - loss and correlation.

  1. loss:
  2. loss: '25'
  3. correlation: '25'

loss defines the percentage of packet loss.

NetworkChaos variation is not purely random, so to emulate that there is a correlation value as well.

Network Delay

A Network Delay action causes delays in message sending. To add a Network Delay action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, three action specific attributes are required - correlation, jitter, and latency.

  1. delay:
  2. latency: '90ms'
  3. correlation: '25'
  4. jitter: '90ms'

latency defines the delay time in sending packets.

jitter specifies the jitter of the delay time. Default is 0ms. Jitter is also referred technically as packet delay variation.

correlation specifies the correlation of the jitter. Default is 0.

In the above example, the network latency is 90ms ± 90ms with 25% correlation.

For a better understaning of Jitter, Latency and Network Delay, you can read this article.

Network Duplicate

A Network Duplicate action causes packet duplication. To add a Network Duplicate action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, two attributes are required - correlation and duplicate.

  1. duplicate:
  2. duplicate: '40'
  3. correlation: '25'

duplicate indicates the percentage of packet duplication. In the above example, the duplication rate is 40%.

Network Corrupt

A Network Corrupt action causes packet corruption. To add a Network Corrupt action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.

In this case, two action specific attributes are required - correlation and corrupt.

  1. corrupt:
  2. corrupt: '40'
  3. correlation: '25'

corrupt specifies the percentage of packet corruption.

Network Bandwidth Action

Network Bandwidth Action is used to limit the network bandwidth. To add a Network Bandwidth Action, locate and edit the corresponding template in /examples.


Minikube does not support this feature as CONFIG_NET_SCH_TBF is disabled in Minikube’s image.

To inject Network Bandwidth fault, three action specific attributes are required - rate, buffer and limit.

  1. bandwidth:
  2. rate: 10 kbps
  3. buffer: 1000
  4. limit: 100

rate allows “bps”, “kbps”, “mbps”, “gbps”, “tbps” unit. “bps” means bytes per second.

limit defines the number of bytes that can be queued waiting for tokens to become available.

buffer is the maximum amount of bytes that tokens can be available for instantaneously.

peakrate is the maximum depletion rate of the bucket.

minburst specifies the size of the peakrate bucket.