Deploying Antrea in AWS EKS

This document describes steps to deploy Antrea in NetworkPolicy only mode to an AWS EKS cluster.

Assuming you already have an EKS cluster, and have KUBECONFIG environment variable point to the kubeconfig file of that cluster.

To deploy a released version of Antrea, pick a version from the list of releases. Note that EKS support was added in release 0.5.0, which means you can not pick a release older than 0.5.0. For any given release <TAG> (e.g. v0.8.2), get the Antrea EKS deployment yaml at:


To deploy the latest version of Antrea (built from the master branch) to EKS, get the Antrea EKS deployment yaml at:


Based on Kubernetes service cluster IP range, adjust serviceCIDR values of antrea-agent.conf in antrea-eks.yml accordingly, and apply antrea-eks.yml to the EKS cluster.

  1. kubectl apply -f antrea-eks.yaml

Now Antrea should be plugged into the EKS CNI and is ready to enforce NetworkPolicy.


Some Pods may already be installed before Antrea deployment. Antrea cannot enforce NetworkPolicy on these pre-installed Pods. This may be remedied by restarting the Pods. For example,

  1. kubectl scale deployment coredns --replicas 0 -n kube-system
  2. kubectl scale deployment coredns --replicas 2 -n kube-system