RTCDtlsTransportState Enum

  1. WebIDLenum RTCDtlsTransportState {
  2. "new",
  3. "connecting",
  4. "connected",
  5. "closed",
  6. "failed"
  7. };
Enumeration description
newDTLS has not started negotiating yet.
connectingDTLS is in the process of negotiating a secure connection and verifying the remote fingerprint.
connectedDTLS has completed negotiation of a secure connection and verified the remote fingerprint.
closedThe transport has been closed intentionally as the result of receipt of a close_notify alert, or calling close().
failedThe transport has failed as the result of an error (such as receipt of an error alert or failure to validate the remote fingerprint).

5.5.1 RTCDtlsFingerprint Dictionary

The RTCDtlsFingerprint dictionary includes the hash function algorithm and certificate fingerprint as described in [RFC4572].

  1. WebIDLdictionary RTCDtlsFingerprint {
  2. DOMString algorithm;
  3. DOMString value;
  4. };
Dictionary RTCDtlsFingerprint Members

algorithm of type DOMString

One of the the hash function algorithms defined in the ‘Hash function Textual Names’ registry [IANA-HASH-FUNCTION].

value of type DOMString

The value of the certificate fingerprint in lowercase hex string as expressed utilizing the syntax of ‘fingerprint’ in [RFC4572] Section 5.