Architecture & Concepts


TimescaleDB is implemented as an extension on PostgreSQL, which means that it runs within an overall PostgreSQL instance. The extension model allows the database to take advantage of many of the attributes of PostgreSQL such as reliability, security, and connectivity to a wide range of third-party tools. At the same time, TimescaleDB leverages the high degree of customization available to extensions by adding hooks deep into PostgreSQL’s query planner, data model, and execution engine.

From a user perspective, TimescaleDB exposes what look like singular tables, called hypertables, that are actually an abstraction or a virtual view of many individual tables holding the data, called chunks.

hypertable and chunks

Chunks are created by partitioning the hypertable’s data into one or multiple dimensions: All hypertables are partitioned by a time interval, and can additionally be partitioned by a key such as device ID, location, user id, etc. We sometimes refer to this as partitioning across “time and space”.



The primary point of interaction with your data is a hypertable, the abstraction of a single continuous table across all space and time intervals, such that one can query it via standard SQL.

Virtually all user interactions with TimescaleDB are with hypertables. Creating tables and indexes, altering tables, inserting data, selecting data, etc. can (and should) all be executed on the hypertable. [Jump to basic SQL operations]

A hypertable is defined by a standard schema with column names and types, with at least one column specifying a time value, and one (optional) column specifying an additional partitioning key.

TIP:See our data model for a further discussion of various ways to organize data, depending on your use cases; the simplest and most natural is in a “wide-table” like many relational databases.

A single TimescaleDB deployment can store multiple hypertables, each with different schemas.

Creating a hypertable in TimescaleDB takes two simple SQL commands: CREATE TABLE (with standard SQL syntax), followed by SELECT create_hypertable().

Indexes on time and the partitioning key are automatically created on hypertables, although additional indexes can also be created (and TimescaleDB supports the full range of PostgreSQL index types).


Internally, TimescaleDB automatically splits each hypertable into chunks, with each chunk corresponding to a specific time interval and a region of the partition key’s space (using hashing). These partitions are disjoint (non-overlapping), which helps the query planner to minimize the set of chunks it must touch to resolve a query.

Each chunk is implemented using a standard database table. (In PostgreSQL internals, the chunk is actually a “child table” of the “parent” hypertable.)

Chunks are right-sized, ensuring that all of the B-trees for a table’s indexes can reside in memory during inserts. This avoids thrashing when modifying arbitrary locations in those trees.

Further, by avoiding overly large chunks, we can avoid expensive “vacuuming” operations when removing deleted data according to automated retention policies. The runtime can perform such operations by simply dropping chunks (internal tables), rather than deleting individual rows.

Native Compression

Compression is powered by TimescaleDB’s built-in job scheduler framework. We leverage it to asynchronously convert individual chunks from an uncompressed row-based form to a compressed columnar form across a hypertable: Once a chunk is old enough, the chunk will be transactionally converted from the row to columnar form.

With native compression, even though a single hypertable in TimescaleDB will store data in both row and columnar forms, users don’t need to worry about this: they will continue to see a standard row-based schema when querying data. This is similar to building a view on the decompressed columnar data.

TimescaleDB enables this capability by both (1) transparently appending data stored in the standard row format with decompressed data from the columnar format, and (2) transparently decompressing individual columns from selected rows at query time.

During a query, uncompressed chunks will be processed normally, while data from compressed chunks will first be decompressed and converted to a standard row format at query time, before being appended or merged into other data. This approach is compatible with everything you expect from TimescaleDB, such as relational JOINs and analytical queries, as well as aggressive constraint exclusion to avoid processing chunks.

For more information on using compression, please see our Compression Operational Overview. For a deep dive on the design motivations and architecture supporting compression, read our compression blog post.

Single Node vs. Multi-Node

TimescaleDB performs extensive partitioning both on single-node deployments as well as multi-node deployments. While partitioning is traditionally only used for scaling out across multiple machines, it also allows us to scale up to high write rates (and improved parallelized queries) even on single machines.

The current open-source release of TimescaleDB only supports single-node deployments. Of note is that the single-node version of TimescaleDB has been benchmarked to over 10-billion-row hypertables on commodity machines without a loss in insert performance.

Benefits of Single-node Partitioning

A common problem with scaling database performance on a single machine is the significant cost/performance trade-off between memory and disk. Eventually, our entire dataset will not fit in memory, and we’ll need to write our data and indexes to disk.

Once the data is sufficiently large that we can’t fit all pages of our indexes (e.g., B-trees) in memory, then updating a random part of the tree can involve swapping in data from disk. And databases like PostgreSQL keep a B-tree (or other data structure) for each table index, in order for values in that index to be found efficiently. So, the problem compounds as you index more columns.

But because each of the chunks created by TimescaleDB is itself stored as a separate database table, all of its indexes are built only across these much smaller tables rather than a single table representing the entire dataset. So if we size these chunks properly, we can fit the latest tables (and their B-trees) completely in memory, and avoid this swap-to-disk problem, while maintaining support for multiple indexes.

For more on the motivation and design of TimescaleDB, please see our technical blog post.

Distributed Hypertables

TimescaleDB supports distributing hypertables across multiple nodes (i.e., a cluster) by leveraging the same hypertable and chunk primitives as described above. This allows TimescaleDB to scale inserts and queries beyond the capabilities of a single TimescaleDB instance.

Distributed hypertables and regular hypertables look very similar, with the main difference being that distributed chunks are not stored locally. There are also some features of regular hypertables that distributed hypertables do not support (see section on current limitations).

Distributed Databases and Nodes

A distributed hypertable exists in a distributed database that consists of multiple databases stored across one or more TimescaleDB instances. A database that is part of a distributed database can assume the role of either an access node or a data node (but not both).

A client connects to an access node database. The access node then distributes the requests and queries appropriately to data nodes, and aggregates the results received from the data nodes. Access nodes store cluster-wide information about the different data nodes as well as how chunks are distributed across those data nodes. Access nodes can also store non-distributed hypertables, as well as regular PostgreSQL tables.

Data nodes do not store cluster-wide information, and otherwise look just as if they were stand-alone TimescaleDB instances. You should not directly access hypertables or chunks on data nodes. Doing so might lead to inconsistent distributed hypertables.

It is important to note that access nodes and data nodes both run TimescaleDB, and for all intents and purposes, act just like a single instance of TimescaleDB from an operational perspective.

Configuring Distributed Hypertables

To ensure best performance, you should partition a distributed hypertable by both time and space. If you only partition data by time, that chunk will have to fill up before the access node chooses another data node to store the next chunk, so during that chunk’s time interval, all writes to the latest interval will be handled by a single data node, rather than load balanced across all available data nodes. On the other hand, if you specify a space partition, the access node will distribute chunks across multiple data nodes based on the space partition so that multiple chunks are created for a given chunk time interval, and both reads and writes to that recent time interval will be load balanced across the cluster.

By default, we automatically set the number of space partitions equal to the number of data nodes if a value is not specified. The system will also increase the number of space partitions, if necessary, when adding new data nodes. If setting manually, we recommend that the number of space partitions are equal or a multiple of the number of data nodes associated with the distributed hypertable for optimal data distribution across data nodes. In case of multiple space partitions, only the first space partition will be used to determine how chunks are distributed across servers.

Scaling distributed hypertables

As time-series data grows, a common use case is to add data nodes to expand the storage and compute capacity of distributed hypertables. Thus, TimescaleDB can be elastically scaled out by simply adding data nodes to a distributed database.

As mentioned earlier, TimescaleDB can (and will) adjust the number of space partitions as new data nodes are added. Although existing chunks will not have their space partitions updated, the new settings will be applied to newly created chunks. Because of this behavior, we do not need to move data between data nodes when the cluster size is increased, and simply update how data is distributed for the next time interval. Writes for new incoming data will leverage the new partitioning settings, while the access node can still support queries across all chunks (even those that were created using the old partitioning settings). Do note that although the number of space partitions can be changed, the column on which the data is partitioned can not be changed.

Next: Benefits of this architecture design? TimescaleDB vs. PostgreSQL