ElasticSearch Engine Usage

This article mainly introduces the configuration, deployment and use of ElasticSearch EngineConn in Linkis1.0.

1. Environment configuration before using the ElasticSearch EngineConn

If you want to use the ElasticSearch EngineConn on your server, you need to prepare the ElasticSearch connection information, such as the connection address, user name and password of the ElasticSearch service, etc.

2. ElasticSearch engineConn configuration and deployment

2.1 ElasticSearch version selection and compilation

Note: The Linkis project needs to be fully compiled before ElasticSearch EngineConn is built.

The published installation and deployment packages do not contain the engine plugin by default.

You can click Linkis engine installation guide to deployment installation, or according to the following process, Manual compilation and deployment

Compile ElasticSearch engine separately

  1. ${linkis_code_dir}linkis-engineconn-plugins/elasticsearch/
  2. mvn clean install

2.2 ElasticSearch EngineConn deployment and loading

Upload the engine package compiled in Step 2.1

  1. ${linkis_code_dir}/linkis-engineconn-pluginsjdbc/target/out/elasticsearch

to the engine directory on the server

  1. ${LINKIS_HOME}/lib/linkis-engineplugins

2.3 ElasticSearch EngineConn Labels

Linkis1.x works with tags, so you need to insert data into our database as shown below.

The configuration of the management console is managed by engine labels. If a new engine needs to be configured, you need to modify the metadata of the corresponding table.

  1. linkis_ps_configuration_config_key: Insert the key and default values for the engine's configuration parameters
  2. linkis_cg_manager_label:Insert engine label such as:elasticsearch-7.6.2
  3. linkis_ps_configuration_category: Insert the directory association of the engine
  4. linkis_ps_configuration_config_value: Insert the configuration that the engine needs to show
  5. linkis_ps_configuration_key_engine_relation:Association between configuration items and engines
  1. -- set variable
  2. SET @ENGINE_LABEL="elasticsearch-7.6.2";
  4. SET @ENGINE_NAME="elasticsearch";
  5. -- add es engine to IDE
  6. insert into `linkis_cg_manager_label` (`label_key`, `label_value`, `label_feature`, `label_value_size`, `update_time`, `create_time`) VALUES ('combined_userCreator_engineType', @ENGINE_IDE, 'OPTIONAL', 2, now(), now());
  7. select @label_id := id from `linkis_cg_manager_label` where label_value = @ENGINE_IDE;
  8. insert into `linkis_ps_configuration_category` (`label_id`, `level`) VALUES (@label_id, 2);
  9. -- insert configuration key
  10. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.cluster', '例如:', '连接地址', '', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  11. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.datasource', '连接别名', '连接别名', 'hadoop', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  12. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.username', 'username', 'ES集群用户名', '无', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  13. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.password', 'password', 'ES集群密码', '无', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  14. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.auth.cache', '客户端是否缓存认证', '客户端是否缓存认证', 'false', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  15. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.sniffer.enable', '客户端是否开启 sniffer', '客户端是否开启 sniffer', 'false', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  16. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.http.method', '调用方式', 'HTTP请求方式', 'GET', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  17. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.http.endpoint', '/_search', 'JSON 脚本调用的 Endpoint', '/_search', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  18. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.sql.endpoint', '/_sql', 'SQL 脚本调用的 Endpoint', '/_sql', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  19. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.sql.format', 'SQL 脚本调用的模板,%s 替换成 SQL 作为请求体请求Es 集群', '请求体', '{"query":"%s"}', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  20. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.es.headers.*', '客户端 Headers 配置', '客户端 Headers 配置', '无', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  21. INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` (`key`, `description`, `name`, `default_value`, `validate_type`, `validate_range`, `engine_conn_type`, `is_hidden`, `is_advanced`, `level`, `treeName`) VALUES ('linkis.engineconn.concurrent.limit', '引擎最大并发', '引擎最大并发', '100', 'None', '', @ENGINE_NAME, 0, 0, 1, '数据源配置');
  22. -- elasticsearch engine -*
  23. insert into `linkis_ps_configuration_key_engine_relation` (`config_key_id`, `engine_type_label_id`)
  24. (select config.id as config_key_id, label.id AS engine_type_label_id FROM `linkis_ps_configuration_config_key` config
  25. INNER JOIN `linkis_cg_manager_label` label ON config.engine_conn_type = @ENGINE_NAME and label_value = @ENGINE_IDE);
  26. -- elasticsearch engine default configuration
  27. insert into `linkis_ps_configuration_config_value` (`config_key_id`, `config_value`, `config_label_id`)
  28. (select relation.config_key_id AS config_key_id, '' AS config_value, relation.engine_type_label_id AS config_label_id FROM `linkis_ps_configuration_key_engine_relation` relation
  29. INNER JOIN `linkis_cg_manager_label` label ON relation.engine_type_label_id = label.id AND label.label_value = @ENGINE_IDE);

2.4 ElasticSearch EngineConn configurations

configurationsdefaultis necessarydescription
linkis.es.cluster127.0.0.1:9200yesElasticSearch cluster,separate multiple nodes using commas
linkis.es.datasourcehadoopyesElasticSearch datasource
linkis.es.usernameNonenoElasticSearch cluster username
linkis.es.passwordNonenoElasticSearch cluster password
linkis.es.auth.cachefalsenoWhether the client is cache authenticated
linkis.es.sniffer.enablefalsenoWhether the sniffer is enabled on the client
linkis.es.http.methodGETnoRequest methods
linkis.es.http.endpoint/_searchnothe Endpoint in JSON Script
linkis.es.sql.endpoint/_sqlnothe Endpoint in SQL Script
linkis.es.sql.format{“query”:”%s”}nothe template of SQL script call , %s replaced with SQL as the body of the request request ElasticSearch cluster
linkis.es.headers.*NonenoClient Headers configuration
linkis.engineconn.concurrent.limit100noMaximum engine concurrency of ElasticSearch cluster

3. The use of ElasticSearch EngineConn

3.1 Ready to operate

You need to configure ElasticSearch connection information, including connection address information and user name and password (if needed).


Figure 3-1 ElasticSearch Configuration information

You can also specify in the RuntimeMap of the submitted task.

  1. linkis.es.cluster
  2. linkis.es.datasource
  3. linkis.es.username
  4. linkis.es.password

3.2 How to use Linkis SDK

Linkis provides a client method to call ElasticSearch tasks. The call method is through the SDK provided by LinkisClient. We provide java and scala two ways to call, the specific usage can refer to JAVA SDK Manual.

For the ElasticSearch task, you only need to change the EngineConnType and CodeType parameters in the Demo.

  1. Map<String, Object> labels = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  2. labels.put(LabelKeyConstant.ENGINE_TYPE_KEY, "elasticsearch-7.6.2"); // required engineType Label
  3. labels.put(LabelKeyConstant.USER_CREATOR_TYPE_KEY, "hadoop-IDE");// required execute user and creator
  4. labels.put(LabelKeyConstant.CODE_TYPE_KEY, "elasticsearch"); // required codeType

3.2 How to use Linkis-cli

-codeType parameter description

  • essql:Execute ES engine tasks through SQL scripts
  • esjson:Execute ES engine tasks through JSON scripts

Using the sample

After Linkis 1.0, you can submit tasks through cli. We only need to specify the corresponding EngineConn and CodeType tag types. The use of ElasticSearch is as follows.

Example using mode essql

Note: To use the SQL script, you must install the SQL plugin for ElasticSearch service:https://github.com/NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql#elasticsearch-762

  1. sh ./bin/linkis-cli -submitUser hadoop -engineType elasticsearch-7.6.2 -codeType essql -code '{"sql": "select * from kibana_sample_data_ecommerce limit 10' -runtimeMap linkis.es.http.method=GET -runtimeMap linkis.es.http.endpoint=/_sql -runtimeMap linkis.es.datasource=hadoop -runtimeMap linkis.es.cluster=

Example using mode esjson

  1. sh ./bin/linkis-cli -submitUser hadoop -engineType elasticsearch-7.6.2 -codeType esjson -code '{"query": {"match": {"order_id": "584677"}}}' -runtimeMap linkis.es.http.method=GET -runtimeMap linkis.es.http.endpoint=/kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_search -runtimeMap linkis.es.datasource=hadoop -runtimeMap linkis.es.cluster=

Specific use can refer to: Linkis CLI Manual.

4. ElasticSearch EngineConn user settings

ElasticSearch user settings are mainly JDBC connection information, but it is recommended that users encrypt and manage this password and other information.