influx v1 auth

  • influx CLI 2.0.0+
  • InfluxDB 2.0.0+

The influx v1 auth subcommands provide authorization management for the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.

InfluxDB 2.2 uses API tokens to authorize API requests. The 1.x compatibility API lets clients authenticate with InfluxDB 2.2 using the InfluxDB 1.x convention of username and password.

1.x-compatible authorizations are separate from the credentials used to log into the InfluxDB user interface.


  1. influx v1 auth [flags]
  2. influx v1 auth [command]

Command aliases

auth, authorization


createCreate authorization
deleteDelete authorization
listList authorizations
set-activeActivate an authorization
set-inactiveDeactivate an authorization
set-passwordSet a password for an existing authorization


-h—helpHelp for the v1 auth command