Update secrets

Update secrets using the influx command line interface (CLI) or the InfluxDB API.

Update a secret using the influx CLI

Use the influx secret update command to update a secret in your organization. Provide the secret key to update with the -k or --key flag. You may also provide the secret value with the -v or --value flag. If you do not provide the secret value with the -v or --value flag, enter the value when prompted.

Providing a secret value with the -v or --value flag may expose the secret in your command history.

  1. # Syntax
  2. influx secret update -k <secret-key>
  3. # Example
  4. influx secret update -k foo

Update a secret using the InfluxDB API

Use the PATCH request method and the InfluxDB /orgs/{orgID}/secrets API endpoint to update a secret in your organization.

Include the following:

  • Your organization ID in the request URL
  • Your API token in the Authorization header
  • The updated secret key-value pair in the request body
  1. curl --request PATCH http://localhost:8086/api/v2/orgs/<org-id>/secrets \
  2. --header 'Authorization: Token YOURAUTHTOKEN' \
  3. --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
  4. --data '{
  5. "<secret-key>": "<secret-value>"
  6. }'

secrets security