How to select extra symbols by double-click

Some languages consider special symbols as word-chars. For example, in PHP, "$" symbol is part of a variable name, so double-click should select "$" together with other word-chars. Follow these steps to add extra symbols (e.g. "$") to word-chars.

  • Open new file-tab, activate your lexer (click the lexer-cell in the statusbar)
  • Call menu item "Plugins / Options Editor"
  • In the Options Editor dialog:
    • Select item of option "nonword_chars", read the description about this option in the bottom
    • Your lexer name must be pre-selected in the combobox on the dialog bottom
    • Check the checkmark "For: lexer", so that your option will go to the lexer-specific config
    • Enter new value of the option "nonword_chars" now. Copy/paste the value from the "Default" field, and remove some special symbols from that value.
    • Press Enter-key in the input field. Value must appear in the list of options in the "Lexer" column.
  • Close Options Editor, restart the program

What does this procedure do? It creates (or modifies) file "[CudaText]/settings/lexer LexerName.json" to be like this:

  1. {
  2. "nonword_chars": "-+*=/\\()[]{}<>\"'.,:;~?!@#%^&|`"
  3. }