Learn Web Programming in Go by Examples. Go Web Examples provides easy to understand snippets on how to do web development in Go and is inspired by Go By Example, which has a great introduction into the fundamentals of this language.
In this blog series we’ll build Microservices using the Go programming language and piece by piece add the necessary integrations to make them run nicely on Docker in swarm mode within a Spring Cloud / Netflix OSS landscape.
本书适用于Golang程序员。您之前应该阅读有关Go的介绍性书籍,或者已经完成了Go By Example。本书的内容包括但不限于并发、网络编程、垃圾回收、组合、GO UNIX系统编程、基本数据类型(Array,Slice,Map)、GO源码、反射,接口,类型方法等高级概念。阅读本书需要一定的编程经验。如果你在工作中使用Go或者业余时间爱好GO,那么这本书一定会让你对GO的理解更上一层楼。