In this book/guide we build our own simplified version of React.js. We keep it simple but extensive enough to learn a lot of cool things about React.js and React.js-like libraries! I try to keep the naming of the different elements closely to how React.js names it's stuff so we can impress people at parties with our knowledge of private methods and shit.
The book is a good keyboard-side or bed-side companion that explores the concepts, techniques and methodology behind TouchDesigner - something I have not had the opportunity to personally present before and am very happy Elburz has presented here. So build your chops with these treats - It can be read end-to-end or by randomly flipping through pages, as I found myself doing - discovering gems of information and insights throughout.
PowerShell is full of "gotchas" - little things that just get in your way and are hard to figure out on your own. This short book is intended to help you figure them out and avoid them.
Model-View-Controller (MVC) is probably the most used architectural solution for User Interface design and web programming; Introduced first in the 70s, MVC has been progressively adapted and morphed into a wide range of subtypes and variations, so much that the plain term "MVC" without additional qualifications has lost specificity.