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  • Understanding ECMAScript 6

    This book is a guide for the transition between ECMAScript 5 and 6. It is not specific to any JavaScript environment, so it is equally useful to web developers as it is Node.js dev...
  • Understanding ECMAScript 6(简体中文版)

    本书的作者 Nicholas C. Zakas 是一名顶尖的前端工程师,曾出版《JavaScript 高级程序设计(Professional JavaScript for Web Developers)》《高性能 JavaScript(High Performance JavaScript)》等多本经典著作。ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)是 EC...
  • The Kubebuilder Book v1.0

    Users of Kubernetes will develop a deeper understanding of Kubernetes through learning the fundamental concepts behind how APIs are designed and implemented. This book will teach r...
  • [英文]Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

    We are pleased to present Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines, which consolidates the best programming practices from Alibaba Group's technical teams. A vast number of Java programming ...
  • The Kubebuilder Book v2.0

    Users of Kubernetes will develop a deeper understanding of Kubernetes through learning the fundamental concepts behind how APIs are designed and implemented. This book will teach r...
  • Mastering Modular JavaScript

    Modular JavaScript is a book series with the mission of improving our collective understanding of writing robust, well-tested, modular JavaScript code. Mastering Modular JavaScript...