书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.008 秒,为您找到 13 个相关结果.
  • the Model View Controller notes(英文)

    Model-View-Controller (MVC) is probably the most used architectural solution for User Interface design and web programming; Introduced first in the 70s, MVC has been progressively ...
  • Longhorn v1.3.0 Documentation

    Longhorn is a lightweight, reliable, and powerful distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. Longhorn implements distributed block storage using containers and microservices....
  • Longhorn v1.2.3 Documentation

    Longhorn is a lightweight, reliable, and powerful distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. Longhorn implements distributed block storage using containers and microservices....
  • Mars-java 3.0.13 开发文档

    Mars 是一个声明式API编程框架,可以帮助你很快的建立后端服务接口。你可以专注在业务逻辑上,而不需要花太多时间去写Controller和DAO。我们甚至没有Controller的概念。
  • The Longhorn v0.8.1 Documentation

    Longhorn is a lightweight, reliable, and powerful distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. Longhorn implements distributed block storage using containers and microservices....
  • Longhorn v1.2.4 Documentation

    Longhorn is a lightweight, reliable, and powerful distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. Longhorn implements distributed block storage using containers and microservices....
  • The Longhorn v0.8 Documentation

    Longhorn is a lightweight, reliable, and powerful distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. Longhorn implements distributed block storage using containers and microservices....
  • The Longhorn v1.0.0 Documentation

    Longhorn is a lightweight, reliable, and powerful distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. Longhorn implements distributed block storage using containers and microservices....
  • CakePHP 2.x 菜谱

    CakePHP是一个运用了诸如ActiveRecord、Association Data Mapping、Front Controller和MVC等著名设计模式的快速开发框架。该项目主要目标是提供一个可以让各种层次的PHP开发人员快速地开发出健壮的Web应用,而 又不失灵活性。
  • Higress v2.0 Documentation

    Higress是基于阿里内部的Envoy Gateway实践沉淀、以开源Istio + Envoy为核心构建的云原生API网关,实现了流量网关 + 微服务网关 + 安全网关三合一的高集成能力,深度集成Dubbo、Nacos、Sentinel等微服务技术栈,能够帮助用户极大的降低网关的部署及运维成本且能力不打折;在标准上全面支持Ingress与Gateway ...