书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.006 秒,为您找到 20 个相关结果.
  • [英文] Kubernetes clusters for the hobbyist.

    This guide answers the question of how to setup and operate a fully functional, secure Kubernetes cluster on a cloud provider such as DigitalOcean or Scaleway. It explains how to o...
  • Fleet v0.5 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Fleet v0.6 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Fleet v0.9 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Fleet v0.10 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Fleet v0.11 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • k3d v5.6.0 Documentation

    k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab’s minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker. k3d makes it very easy to create single- and multi-node k3s clusters in docker, e...
  • kind v0.14 documentation

    kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”.kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development...
  • Fleet v0.7 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Fleet v0.8 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...