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  • HASKELL 趣學指南

    LEARN YOU A HASKELL FOR GREAT GOOD 中文版。Haskell是一种标准化的、通用纯函数式编程语言,有非限定性语义和强静态类型。
  • HASKELL 趣学指南

    Haskell是一种标准化的、通用纯函数式编程语言,有非限定性语义和强静态类型。LEARN YOU A HASKELL FOR GREAT GOOD 中文版
  • Implementing a JIT Compiled Language with Haskell and LLVM

    Welcome to the Haskell version of "Implementing a language with LLVM" tutorial. This tutorial runs through the implementation of a simple language, and the basics of how to build a...
  • Yesod Web Framework Book v1.4

    Yesod is a Haskell web framework for productive development of type-safe, RESTful, high performance web applications.
  • The Hamler Programming Language v0.2 Document

    Hamler 是一门构建在 Erlang 虚拟机(VM)上的 Haskell 风格的强类型(Strongly-typed)编程语言,独特地结合了编译时的类型检查推导,与对运行时高并发和软实时能力的支持。
  • Yesod Web Framework Book v1.1

    Yesod is a Haskell web framework for productive development of type-safe, RESTful, high performance web applications.
  • Yesod Web Framework Book v1.2

    Yesod is a Haskell web framework for productive development of type-safe, RESTful, high performance web applications.
  • Yesod Web Framework Book v1.6

    Yesod is a Haskell web framework for productive development of type-safe, RESTful, high performance web applications.
  • Dart by Example

    Dart is an open-source,scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes for building web, server, and mobile apps. Dart by Example is a hands-on introduction to Da...