immudb explained What is immudb? What makes immudb special? Immutable Auditable Secure How can I use immudb? immudb explained What is immudb? immudb is database with buil...
immudb explained What is immudb? What makes immudb special? Immutable Auditable Secure How can I use immudb? Use cases: immudb explained What is immudb? immudb is databa...
HTTP/3 explained Prerequisites Author Home Help out License HTTP/3 explained This book effort was started in March 2018. The plan is to document HTTP/3 andits underlying p...
19.3 The BeanBuilder DSL Explained Using Constructor Arguments Configuring the BeanDefinition (Using factory methods) Using Factory beans Creating Bean References at Runtime Us...
http2 explained CONTRIBUTING http2 explained This is a detailed document describing HTTP/2 (RFC7540 ), the background, concepts,protocol and something about existing implement...
Rules Background Parameters Explained Notice Rules Background This section describes how to configure the rules for ShardingSphere-Proxy. Parameters Explained Rules config...