书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.019 秒,为您找到 43 个相关结果.
  • 2.4 IPv6 接口标识符

    2.4 IPv6 接口标识符 2.4 IPv6 接口标识符   正如前面所说的,IEEE 802.15.4 设备可以包含两种类型的地址。这两种地址类型都有自己的产生 IPv6 接口标识符(Interface Identifier, IID)的方法。 64 位扩展唯一标识符(IEEE 64-bit Extended Unique Identifie...
  • Best practices

    578 2020-09-24 《Kibana v7.9 Guide》
    Best practices Performance Accessibility Localization Conventions Re-inventing the wheel Backward compatibility Testing & stability Most Popular Best practices Consider...
  • Kibana 7.0.0-alpha2

    694 2020-09-24 《Kibana v7.9 Guide》
    Kibana 7.0.0-alpha2 Breaking changes Highlights Enhancements Bug fixes Most Popular Kibana 7.0.0-alpha2 Breaking changes For more details about breaking changes in this ...
  • Kibana 7.0.1

    589 2020-09-24 《Kibana v7.9 Guide》
    Kibana 7.0.1 Enhancements Bug fixes Most Popular Kibana 7.0.1 See breaking changes for the changes to be aware of when migrating your application from one version of Kibana...
  • Kibana 7.0.0

    1094 2020-09-24 《Kibana v7.9 Guide》
    Kibana 7.0.0 Known issues Breaking changes Deprecations Enhancements Bug fixes Most Popular Kibana 7.0.0 Known issues Monitoring If you have a version 7.0 monitoring ...
  • Workload endpoint

    Workload endpoint Sample YAML Definitions Metadata Spec IPNAT EndpointPort Supported operations Workload endpoint A workload endpoint resource (WorkloadEndpoint ) represe...
  • Workload endpoint

    Workload endpoint Sample YAML Definitions Metadata Spec IPNAT EndpointPort Supported operations Workload endpoint A workload endpoint resource (WorkloadEndpoint ) represe...
  • Workload endpoint

    Workload endpoint Sample YAML Definitions Metadata Spec IPNAT EndpointPort Supported operations Workload endpoint A workload endpoint resource (WorkloadEndpoint ) represe...
  • 4 - ISCSI

    4 - ISCSI 一、iSCSI 命名约定 1、iSCSI 限定名 (IQN) 格式 2、企业唯一标识符 (EUI) 格式 二、更新Kubernetes集群(可选) 三、创建ISCSI服务器 1、操作系统以为centos7.6为例 2、iSCSI Target服务器搭建 3、客户端校验 四、配置K8S持久卷(PV) 1、创建密文 2、创建...
  • Workload endpoint

    Workload endpoint Sample YAML Definitions Metadata Spec IPNAT EndpointPort Supported operations Workload endpoint A workload endpoint resource (WorkloadEndpoint ) represe...