Communication Communication Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh In this chapter we are going ...
Communication (5 questions) 1. Explain to me a technical concept related to the role that you’re interviewing for. 2. Introduce me to something you’re passionate about. 3. How wo...
Communication with applicants Form submit notifications Acceptance/rejection e-mails What’s up with this RSVP thing? Communication with applicants Form submit notification...
Communication Pitch presentation (1 to 3 slides) Communication Pitch presentation (1 to 3 slides) Pitch presentation should be prepared, and updated on a regular basis.
Communication Home page Discussion list Demo docker image in dockerhub (with Dockerfile) An online demo Screencast Communication Communication to the outside world is impo...
UDP communication UDP communication We have discussed how to communicate through TCP enough, so it is time to switch to UDP now. UDP is a connectionless protocol, and it is ...
Serial communication Serial communication This is what we’ll be using. I hope your laptop has one! Nah, don’t worry. This connector, the DE-9, went out of fashion on PCs...
Communication Languages Communication Languages There are some languages, that is, formally defined syntactic systems, that are not programming languages but communication lang...
Secure Internal Communication Internal SSL/TLS configuration Internal SSL/TLS communication with Kerberos Performance with SSL/TLS enabled Advanced Performance Tuning Secur...