ES6 ES6 JavaScript was created in 1995, but the language is still thriving today. There are subsets, supersets, current versions and the latest version ES6 that brings a lot of...
ES6 参考资料 ES6 先记录一些内容: Arrow Function Let Proxy Destructuring Tail Calling Template Strings Class Promises Generator 参考资料 Essential EcmaScript 6新特性介绍 Babel : Use next ...
ES6 generators ES6 generators TypeScript 1.6 adds support for generators when targeting ES6. A generator function can have a return type annotation, just like a function. The ...
ES6 & Beyond ES6 & Beyond No matter how much you feel you’ve mastered JavaScript to this point, the truth is that JavaScript is never going to stop evolving, and moreover, the ...
ES6 Class Mocks An ES6 Class Example The 4 ways to create an ES6 class mock Automatic mock Manual mock Calling jest.mock() with the module factory parameter Replacing the mo...