书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.011 秒,为您找到 17 个相关结果.
  • Debugging a crash

    Abstract Initial situation Installing WinDbg Debugging DB4S Useful debug information Abstract This Wiki page aims at providing a step by step tutorial for non-programmers o...
  • Windows

    1007 2020-05-15 《DB Browser for SQLite》
    Requirements Steps These instructions are for setting up a MS Visual Studio 2013 based development environment for DB4S on 64-bit Windows. The steps and screenshots were all do...
  • OSX

    For Users Basic usage Advanced topics For Developers Other Welcome to the DB Browser for SQLite wiki! See http://sqlitebrowser.org for the full history, background and an o...
  • Ubuntu

    db4s-build-ppa-packages db4s-build-ppa-packages script to upload packages to ppa for nightly builds. place a script in the same folder ‘debuild.xp’ #!/usr/bin/expect spawn ...
  • SpatiaLite

    1573 2020-05-15 《DB Browser for SQLite》
    Alternative instructions, with screenshots Workaround for Windows 10 failure It’s possible to use SpatiaLite on Windows by downloading the official mod_spatialite binaries. You...
  • Regular Expressions

    2256 2020-05-15 《DB Browser for SQLite》
    Regular expression support in the where clause of a query is a powerful feature of SQLite . It is a reserved word as part of the language syntax but it is not quite “out of the b...
  • Qt Creator

    1300 2020-05-15 《DB Browser for SQLite》
    How to compile DB Browser for SQLite on Ubuntu 16.04 Install the Ubuntu software needed for compiling DB4S Get the latest DB4S source code Download and install Qt 5.7 or above B...
  • Transactions

    DB4S uses transactions so that you can group related changes together and, if necessary, revert unwanted actions. Before carrying out an action that would change the database, the...
  • Home

    1067 2020-05-15 《DB Browser for SQLite》
    For Users Basic usage Advanced topics For Developers Other Welcome to the DB Browser for SQLite wiki! See http://sqlitebrowser.org for the full history, background and an o...
  • The pre-installed version of SQLite

    DB4S is kept as up-to-date as possible with the latest version of SQLite, but if you have a newer version installed, you can compile DB4S to use this specific version instead. The...