FAQ: Contributing code How can I get started contributing code to Django? I submitted a bug fix in the ticket system several weeks ago. Why are you ignoring my patch? When and ho...
Linking to third party code FAQ How do I import a specific version of a module? It seems unwieldy to import URLs everywhere. How can I trust a URL that may change? But what if t...
14.2 Code Loading 14.2 Code Loading The object code must be loaded into the Erlang runtime system. This is handled by the code server , see the code(3) manual page in Kerne...
FAQ: Contributing code How can I get started contributing code to Django? I submitted a bug fix in the ticket system several weeks ago. Why are you ignoring my patch? When and ho...
Dynamically typed code Dynamically typed code As mentioned earlier, bodies of functions that don’t have any explicittypes in their function annotation are dynamically typed (op...