笔刷设置 通用 高级 拾色器 颜色 渐变 调色板 笔刷设置 Each mode and brush has unique brush settings. But there is also a lot of overlap or similar settings. This page explains general and mode sp...
放缓姿态 工具设置 笔刷 笔刷设置 衰减 选项 放缓姿态 参考 模式 编辑模式 工具 Toolbar ‣ Relax The Relax brush makes UVs more evenly distributed. The algorithm relies on space, not stretch minimization,...
边界 笔刷设置 通用 专用设置 边界 参考 模式: 雕刻模式 工具: Toolbar ‣ Boundary Similar to the Pose brush but deforms the open boundaries of a mesh. The tool detects the mesh boundary closest to...