API Reference Officially supported client libraries CLI Components Config APIs Config API for kubeadm External APIs Design Docs This section of the Kubernetes documentatio...
5.3. Software Stack 5.3.1. Preparing Visual Studio 2015 for Firebird Work 5.3. Software Stack Along with the libraries for working with Firebird, Entity Framework and MVC.NET,...
Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment Procedure: Setting Up Your HAWQ Operating Environment HAWQ Files and Directories Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment Before ...
Caches, Flush and Ping Flush and Ping/Pong Caches, Flush and Ping For performance reasons, most if not all, of the client libraries will buffer outgoing data so that bigger chu...
Working with projects Creating a project Working with projects Project keeps your source code, tests, and libraries organized in a separate single unit. Creating a project Cr...
Defining a Package Defining a Package Like the other libraries you’ve developed so far, the code you’ll write in this chapter is worth putting in its own package. You’ll need t...
Roadmap Server-side metric metadata support Adopt OpenMetrics Retroactive rule evaluations TLS and authentication in HTTP serving endpoints Support the Ecosystem Roadmap Th...