书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.018 秒,为您找到 45842 个相关结果.
  • SQL and PPL

    SQL and PPL Next steps SQL and PPL OpenSearch SQL lets you write queries in SQL rather than the OpenSearch query domain-specific language (DSL) . Next steps Learn about the...
  • SQL FAQs

    SQL FAQs Does TiDB support the secondary key? How does TiDB perform when executing DDL operations on a large table? How to choose the right query plan? Do I need to use hints? Or...
  • SQL Mode

    SQL Mode Important sql_mode values SQL mode table SQL Mode TiDB servers operate in different SQL modes and apply these modes differently for different clients. SQL mode defin...
  • SQL and PPL

    SQL and PPL Next steps SQL and PPL OpenSearch SQL lets you write queries in SQL rather than the OpenSearch query domain-specific language (DSL) . Next steps Learn about the ...
  • SQL Hint

    背景信息 使用规范 参数解释 SQL Hint 数据分片 读写分离 数据源透传 跳过 SQL 改写 禁用 SQL 审计 影子库压测 背景信息 目前,主流的关系型数据库基本都提供了 SQL Hint 作为 SQL 语法的补充,SQL Hint 允许用户通过数据库内置的 Hint 语法来干预 SQL 的执行过程,从而完成一些特殊的功能,或...
  • SQL 翻译

    SQL 翻译 配置入口 SQL 翻译 配置入口 类名称:org.apache.shardingsphere.sqltranslator.api.config.SQLTranslatorRuleConfiguration 可配置属性: 名称 数据类型 说明 type String SQL 翻译器类型 useOriginalSQLWhenTrans...
  • SQL Translator

    SQL Translator Configuration Item Explanation SQL Translator Configuration Item Explanation sqlTranslator : type : # SQL translator type useOriginalSQLWhenTranslatin...

    SQL MODE sql mode 介绍 原理 操作方式 已支持mode 复合mode SQL MODE Doris新支持的sql mode参照了 Mysql 的sql mode管理机制,每个客户端都能设置自己的sql mode,拥有Admin权限的数据库管理员可以设置全局sql mode。 sql mode 介绍 sql mode使用户...
  • SQL Dialect

    SQL Dialect Deploy service Use SQL dialect SQL Dialect Starting from version 2.1, Doris can support multiple SQL dialects, such as Presto, Trino, Hive, PostgreSQL, Spark, Orac...
  • SQL Mode

    SQL Mode sql mode introduce principle Operation method mode is supported composite mode SQL Mode The sql mode newly supported by Doris refers to the sql mode management mec...