使用命名空间Working with Namespaces 设置框架Setting up the framework 控制器加入命名空间Controllers in Namespaces 模型加入命名空间Models in Namespaces 使用命名空间Working with Namespaces Namespaces 可以用来避免类名的...
Model Behaviors Timestampable SoftDelete Creating your own behaviors Using Traits as behaviors Model Behaviors Behaviors are shared constructs that several models may ad...
视图助手View Helpers 文档内容的类型Document Type of Content 生成链接Generating Links 创建表单Creating Forms 生成表单元素的视图助手Helpers to Generate Form Elements 做筛选框Making Select Boxes HTML属性赋值Assigning...
视图助手(View Helpers) 文档类型(Document Type of Content) 生成链接(Generating Links) 创建表单(Creating Forms) 使用助手生成表单控件(Helpers to Generate Form Elements) 使用选择框(Making Select Boxes) 设置 HTML ...