4 – The Application Program Interface 4 – The Application Program Interface This section describes the C API for Lua, that is, the set of C functions available to the host prog...
5-4 layers 1. Pre-defined Layer 2. Customized Model Layer 5-4 layers The deep learning model usually consists of various layers. tf.keras.layers contains a large amount of m...
ACID transactions Creating the table Java example Inserting or updating data Java example Prepare-bind transactions Java example Sample Java Application Example with cqlsh C...
目的 检查仓库的状态 目的 学习如何检查仓库的状态。 检查仓库的状态 使用 git status 命令检查当前仓库的状态。 $ git status 你应该看到: $ git status # On branch master nothing to commit ( working directory clean ...