简介 连接 物理菜单 通用选项 设置 限制 物体 覆盖迭代 简介 Constraints (also known as joints) for rigid bodies connect two rigid bodies. The physics constraints are meant to be attached to an Em...
简介 顶点绘制模式 Vertex Paint Options 简介 Vertex Painting is a simple way of painting color onto a Grease Pencil object, by directly manipulating the color of points/vertices, rather...
简介 切换笔画编辑工具 工具栏 菜单 上下文菜单 简介 Blender provides a variety of tools for editing Grease Pencil strokes. These are tools used to add, duplicate, move and delete elements. 切换笔画...
简介 简介 Sculpting and painting use brushes to paint directly on meshes. There are several modes that use this. 雕刻 : 修改网格拓扑. 顶点绘制 : 修改活动色层的顶点颜色。 权重绘制 : 修改活动顶点组的顶点权重。 纹理绘...
简介 大纲视图 简介 可见性控件是 视图层 的一部分,旨在帮助组织想要查看或处理的内容。 视图层和集合。 视图层参考 collections ,并允许设置其可见性、可选性和其他选项。视图层 可以启用任何集合,多个 视图层 可以使用相同或不同的集合。 See also Each view layer can be rendered se...