贡献 入门 Contributing to the engine Writing documentation Guidelines Writing the manual Class reference guides Translating the documentation 贡献 Everyone is most welcome to c...
Dapr API 参考 Dapr API 参考 有关每个 api、关联的终结点以及可用的功能的信息 Detailed documentation on the health API Detailed documentation on the service invocation API Detailed documentation on th...
Components Understanding DC/OS components Cluster management Apache Mesos System services Apache ZooKeeper System services Exhibitor System service DC/OS Installer System s...
Dapr API Service invocation API reference State management API reference Pub/sub API reference Bindings API reference Actors API reference Secrets API reference Health API re...
What to read next Finding documentation How the documentation is organized How documentation is updated Where to get it On the web In plain text As HTML, locally Differences...
What to read next Finding documentation How the documentation is organized How documentation is updated Where to get it On the web In plain text As HTML, locally Differences...
Web scenario [Web场景] Web scenario Web scenario [Web场景] 此类用于Web场景的使用。 对象引用: Web scenario Scenario step 可用的方法: [httptest.create](https://www.zabbix.com/documenta...
Item prototype 监控项原型 Item 原型 Item prototype 监控项原型 Item 原型 This class is designed to work with item prototypes. 此类旨辅助Item原型的使用。 Object references:对象引用 Item prototype A...