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  • Part 9: Promises and Futures in practice

    The Neophyte's Guide to Scala Part 9: Promises and Futures in Practice Promises Promising a rosy future Completing a Promise Delivering on your Promise Breaking Promises like a s...
  • Concepts & Common API

    Concepts & Common API Main Differences Between the Two Planners Structure of Table API and SQL Programs Create a TableEnvironment Create Tables in the Catalog Temporary vs Perma...
  • User-defined Functions

    User-defined Functions Overview Implementation Guide Function Class Evaluation Methods Type Inference Automatic Type Inference Custom Type Inference Determinism Runtime Inte...
  • Spark

    Spark on Volcano Spark简介 Spark on volcano Spark on Volcano 最近更新于 Jul 31, 2021 Spark简介 Spark是一款快速通用的大数据集群计算系统。它提供了Scala、Java、Python和R的高级api,以及一个支持用于数据分析的通用计算图的优化引擎。它还支持一组丰...
  • Zipping Elements

    Zipping Elements in a DataSet Zip with a Dense Index Zip with a Unique Identifier Zipping Elements in a DataSet In certain algorithms, one may need to assign unique identifie...
  • CALL Statements

    Call Statements Run a CALL statement Syntax Call Statements Call statements are used to call a stored procedure which is usually provided to perform data manipulation or admi...
  • Overview

    Table API & SQL Table Program Dependencies Where to go next? Table API & SQL Apache Flink features two relational APIs - the Table API and SQL - for unified stream and batch p...
  • UNLOAD 语句

    UNLOAD 语句 执行 UNLOAD 语句 UNLOAD MODULE UNLOAD 语句 UNLOAD 语句用于卸载内置的或用户自定义的模块。 执行 UNLOAD 语句 Java 可以使用 TableEnvironment 的 executeSql() 方法执行 UNLOAD 语句。如果 UNLOAD 操作执行成功,executeS...
  • Overview

    Table API & SQL Table Program Dependencies Where to go next? Table API & SQL Apache Flink features two relational APIs - the Table API and SQL - for unified stream and batch p...
  • LOAD Statements

    LOAD Statements Run a LOAD statement LOAD MODULE LOAD Statements LOAD statements are used to load a built-in or user-defined module. Run a LOAD statement Java LOAD stateme...