书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.019 秒,为您找到 3442 个相关结果.
  • 卸载 Kubernetes 和 Rainbond

    卸载 Kubernetes 和 Rainbond 卸载 Rainbond 集群 基于主机安装的 Rainbond 集群 基于 Kubernetes 安装的 Rainbond 集群 卸载 Kubernetes 集群 基于主机安装的 Kubernetes 集群 卸载 Kubernetes 和 Rainbond 本文档介绍如何 Rainbond 集...
  • Supported platforms

    Current support Supporting a new platform 32-bit and other unsupported systems Current support The following table lists etcd support status for common architectures and oper...
  • Supported platforms

    Current support Supporting a new platform 32-bit and other unsupported systems Current support The following table lists etcd support status for common architectures and oper...
  • Installing Operators in your namespace

    Installing Operators in your namespace Prerequisites Operator installation with OperatorHub Installing from OperatorHub using the web console Installing from OperatorHub using t...
  • Prometheus

    Prometheus 准备工作 步骤 1、添加 Label 2、卸载 KubeCube 监控组件 3、部署 ServiceMonitor 查看集群资源 查看组件监控 4、部署 Dashboard 5、修改 Nginx 配置 Prometheus KubeCube 在部署时会自动安装 Prometheus 等监控组件,以实现监控功能。本...
  • Install an OpenShift 4 cluster with Calico

    Install an OpenShift 4 cluster with Calico Big picture Value How to Before you begin Create a configuration file for the OpenShift installer Update the configuration file to us...
  • Enabling Windows container workloads

    Enabling Windows container workloads Prerequisites Installing the Windows Machine Config Operator Installing the Windows Machine Config Operator using the web console Installing ...
  • Discovery service protocol

    Discovery service protocol Protocol workflow Creating a new discovery token Specifying the expected cluster size Bringing up etcd processes Registering itself Checking the stat...
  • 仓库

    Docker Registry Docker Registry 公开服务 私有 Docker Registry Docker Registry 镜像构建完成后,可以很容易的在当前宿主机上运行,但是,如果需要在其它服务器上使用这个镜像,我们就需要一个集中的存储、分发镜像的服务,Docker Registry 就是这样的服务。 一个 Docker...
  • Discovery service protocol

    Protocol workflow Creating a new discovery token Specifying the expected cluster size Bringing up etcd processes Registering itself Checking the status Waiting for all members...