场景属性 场景 单位 重力 插帧集 音频 刚体世界 场景属性 场景 参考 面板 属性编辑器(Properties editor) ‣ 场景(Scene) ‣ 场景(Scene) 相机 Used to select which camera is used as the active camera. You can also s...
治理:理解系统复杂性 静态的治理 发展的治理 治理:理解系统复杂性 治理(Governance) Ensuring and validating that assets and artifacts within the architecture are acting as expected and maintaining a certain le...
简介 简介 参考 模式: 编辑模式 菜单: 添加(Add) ‣ 文本(Text) Text objects contain some text, and are in the same object type family as curves and surfaces ones, as fonts are vector data (they ...