书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.024 秒,为您找到 1883 个相关结果.
  • Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK

    Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK Architecture Generate an AWS CDK project with projen update src/main.ts Deploy the APISIX Stack with AWS CDK Configure the upstream nodes ...
  • Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK

    Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK Architecture Generate an AWS CDK project with projen update src/main.ts Deploy the APISIX Stack with AWS CDK Configure the upstream nodes ...
  • Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK

    Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK Architecture Generate an AWS CDK project with projen update src/main.ts Deploy the APISIX Stack with AWS CDK Configure the upstream nodes ...
  • Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK

    Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK Architecture Generate an AWS CDK project with projen update src/main.ts Deploy the APISIX Stack with AWS CDK Configure the upstream nodes ...
  • Function Scaling and Triggers

    Function Scaling and Triggers ScaleOptions Triggers Function Scaling and Triggers Scaling is one of the core features of a FaaS or Serverless platform. OpenFunction defines f...
  • StratoVirt介绍

    StratoVirt介绍 概述 架构说明 StratoVirt介绍 概述 StratoVirt是计算产业中面向云数据中心的企业级虚拟化平台,实现了一套架构统一支持虚拟机、容器、Serverless三种场景。StratoVirt在轻量低噪、软硬协同、Rust语言级安全等方面具备关键技术竞争优势。 StratoVirt在架构设计和接口上预留了组件化拼...
  • 产品介绍

    产品概述 产品概述 OpenPitrix 是一款开源的多云应用程序管理平台,用来在多云环境下打包、部署和管理不同类型的应用,包括传统应用、微服务应用以及 Serverless 应用等,其中云平台包括 AWS、Azure、Kubernetes、QingCloud、OpenStack、VMWare 等,而且是一个高度可扩展的应用全生命周期一站式管理平台...
  • 兼容性列表

    兼容性列表 Kubernetes 集群 镜像仓库 Helm Chart 仓库 对象存储 兼容性列表 本文主要介绍 ZadigX 的兼容列表。 Kubernetes 集群 通过 ZadigX 系统,可以集成使用云厂商提供的 Kubernetes 集群或自建集群,包括但不限于: Kubernetes 集群版本需要满足:v1.16 - v1....

    TIKV_STORE_STATUS TIKV_STORE_STATUS The TIKV_STORE_STATUS table shows some basic information of TiKV nodes via PD’s API, like the ID allocated in the cluster, address and port,...

    TIKV_STORE_STATUS TIKV_STORE_STATUS The TIKV_STORE_STATUS table shows some basic information of TiKV nodes via PD’s API, like the ID allocated in the cluster, address and port,...