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  • argocdapp Plugin

    argocdapp Plugin Usage Use Together with the github-repo-scaffolding-golang Plugin argocdapp Plugin This plugin creates an ArgoCD Application custom resource. Notes: - Arg...
  • Private modules

    188 2022-06-23 《Deno v1.21.3 Manual》
    Private modules and repositories DENO_AUTH_TOKENS GitHub Private modules and repositories There maybe instances where you want to load a remote module that is located in a pri...
  • Private modules

    192 2022-02-21 《Deno v1.18.3 Manual》
    Private modules and repositories DENO_AUTH_TOKENS GitHub Private modules and repositories There maybe instances where you want to load a remote module that is located in a pri...
  • Private modules

    228 2021-09-29 《Deno v1.14.1 Manual》
    Private modules and repositories DENO_AUTH_TOKENS GitHub Private modules and repositories There maybe instances where you want to load a remote module that is located in a pri...
  • Private modules

    207 2021-11-07 《Deno v1.15.3 Manual》
    Private modules and repositories DENO_AUTH_TOKENS GitHub Private modules and repositories There maybe instances where you want to load a remote module that is located in a pri...
  • Private modules

    192 2021-11-07 《Deno v1.15.1 Manual》
    Private modules and repositories DENO_AUTH_TOKENS GitHub Private modules and repositories There maybe instances where you want to load a remote module that is located in a pri...
  • 示例与教程

    示例与教程 示例项目 教程 游戏开发 图形渲染 实用方案分享(由官方技术支持团队提供) 更多 示例与教程 示例项目 一步两步 (GitHub ):也就是 快速上手 文档里分步讲解制作的游戏。 材质展示 Demo (GitHub ):展示各种引擎内置和自定义材质效果,包括标准 PBR、卡通渲染,也包含皮肤、头发、眼球、树叶等高级材质。 ...
  • Socialite 社会化登录

    Laravel 社会化登录 简介 安装 配置 路由 可选参数 访问作用域 无状态认证 获取用户实例 从令牌中检索用户详细信息(OAuth2) 从令牌和秘钥中检索用户详细信息(OAuth1) Laravel 社会化登录 简介 除了典型的基于表单的认证之外, Laravel 同时提供一种简单便捷的方式授权通过 OAuth prov...
  • Importing Argo CD go packages

    Importing Argo CD go packages Issue Solution Example Importing Argo CD go packages Issue When importing Argo CD packages in your own projects, you may face some errors when ...
  • 使用Drone进行持续集成与发布

    使用Drone进行持续构建与发布 配置GitHub 使用docker-compose单机运行 启动Drone 参考 使用Drone进行持续构建与发布 Drone 是一个用Go语言开发的基于容器运行的持续集成软件。 配置GitHub 使用Drone对GitHub上的代码进行持续构建与发布,需要首先在GitHub上设置一个OAuth,如下:...