简介 切换笔画编辑工具 工具栏 菜单 上下文菜单 简介 Blender provides a variety of tools for editing Grease Pencil strokes. These are tools used to add, duplicate, move and delete elements. 切换笔画编辑...
简介 切换笔画编辑工具 工具栏 菜单 上下文菜单 简介 Blender provides a variety of tools for editing Grease Pencil strokes. These are tools used to add, duplicate, move and delete elements. 切换笔画...
选择 框选 刷选 套索选择 选择镜像 约束目标 已关联 扩展选择/缩减选择 Grouped 分组 按名称选择 选择 Selection in Pose Mode is very similar to the one in Edit Mode , with a few deviations: You can only select wh...