书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.015 秒,为您找到 14882 个相关结果.
  • Get List

    Method Parameters Query Parameters Result Response codes Example Request Response Queries for batches that fulfill given parameters. Parameters may bethe properties of bat...
  • 回归

    gbdt回归 gbdt回归预测(stream) gbdt回归训练(batch) gbdt回归预测(batch) 线性回归 线性回归训练(batch) 线性回归预测(batch) 线性回归预测(stream) 随机森林回归 随机森林回归预测(stream) 随机森林回归训练(batch) 随机森林回归预测(batch) 保序回归 保序...
  • 回归

    gbdt回归 gbdt回归预测(stream) gbdt回归训练(batch) gbdt回归预测(batch) 线性回归 线性回归训练(batch) 线性回归预测(batch) 线性回归预测(stream) 随机森林回归 随机森林回归预测(stream) 随机森林回归训练(batch) 随机森林回归预测(batch) 保序回归 ...
  • Text

    Word2Vec Word2VecTrain(batch) Word2VecPredict(batch) Word2VecPredict(stream) Tokenizer Tokenizer(batch) Tokenizer(stream) NGram NGram(batch) NGram(stream) StopwordsRemove...
  • Delete Async Historic Query Based (POST)

    Method Parameters Request Body Response Body Response Codes Example Request Response Deletes a set of process instances asynchronously (batch) based on a historic process ...
  • Delete Async (POST)

    Method Parameters Request Body Response Body Response Codes Example Request Response Delete multiple historic decision instances asynchronously (batch).At least historicDe...
  • Delete Async (POST)

    Method Parameters Request Body Response Body Response Codes Example Request Response Deletes multiple process instances asynchronously (batch). Method POST /process-ins...
  • Set Job Retries Async (POST)

    Method Parameters Request Body Response Body Response Codes Example Request Response Create a batch to set retries of jobs asynchronously. Method POST /job/retries ...
  • Clustering

    BisectingKMeans BisectingKmeansPredict(stream) BisectingKmeansTrain(batch) BisectingKMeansPredict(batch) KMeans KMeansTrain(batch) KMeansPredict(batch) KMeansPredict(stream)...
  • Clustering

    BisectingKMeans BisectingKmeansPredict(stream) BisectingKmeansTrain(batch) BisectingKMeansPredict(batch) KMeans KMeansTrain(batch) KMeansPredict(batch) KMeansPredict(strea...