distributed_exec() important Required arguments Optional arguments Sample usage distributed_exec() This procedure is used on an access node to execute a SQL command across t...
Databases Define Database Create Database Pgbouncer Database Databases Define business databases in PostgreSQL In this context, Database refers to object created by SQL CRE...
About distributed hypertables note Architecture of a distributed hypertable Space partitions for distributed hypertables Repartitioning distributed hypertables Replicating dis...
Create and register user-defined actions Define a function or procedure Register an action Create and register user-defined actions Adding a user-defined action to your databa...
INSERT INSERT Data can be inserted into a hypertable using the standard INSERT SQL command (PostgreSQL docs ). INSERT INTO conditions ( time , location , temperature , humi...
Gapfilling and interpolation Gapfilling and interpolation Most time-series data analysis techniques aggregate data into fixed time intervals, which smooths the data and makes it...