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  • 核心 Widget 目录

    核心 Widget 目录 核心 Widget 目录 借助 Flutter 上关于视觉、结构、平台和交互的 widgets,我们可以快速创建出色的应用程序。除了能够按照如下类别浏览 widgets,你还可以在 Flutter Widget 目录 中查看所有的 widgets。 Accessibility Make your app accessi...
  • Materials

    Physics Material Properties of Materials Creating Physics Materials Application of materials Physics Material In Cocos Creator , the physics material is a asset , which reco...
  • Materials

    Physics Material Properties of Materials Creating Physics Materials Application of materials Physics Material In Cocos Creator , the physics material is a asset , which recor...
  • Materials

    Physics Material Properties of Materials Creating Physics Materials Application of materials Physics Material In Cocos Creator , the physics material is a asset , which reco...
  • Overview

    Overview Prerequisites Concepts Built-in Themes Lumo Material Overview Vaadin uses themes to separate the user interface’s appearance from its logic. Themes make applicatio...
  • Core Concepts

    UI Components Platform Continuity Navigation Native Access Theming For those completely new to Ionic app development, it can be helpful to get a high-level understanding of t...
  • 使用主题背景编辑器设计应用主题背景 - Design app themes

    使用主题背景编辑器设计应用主题背景 主题背景编辑器基础知识 访问主题背景编辑器 在主题背景编辑器中导航 主题背景和颜色 创建新主题背景 重命名主题背景 更改颜色资源 查看状态列表和颜色 设备特定配置 使用主题背景编辑器设计应用主题背景 Android Studio 包含被称为主题背景编辑器的视觉辅助工具,以帮助您: 创建和修改应...
  • 介绍

    Material Design 中文协同翻译 一起来参与 参与步骤(页尾有详细的过程演示) 翻译协作规范 认领章节记录 2015.07.15日更新 翻译认领章节记录 协作过程演示 fork主仓库 初始化本地仓库 添加远程主仓库 和远程主仓库保持更新 推送本地修改到自己的远端仓库 发Pull Request 目录结构 参与者(按认领...
  • 常用 Web 库和 package

    常用 Web 库和 package SDK libraries Web packages 常用 Web 库和 package The Dart SDK contains dart:html and other librariesthat provide low-level web APIs.You can supplement or repl...
  • 10.9 Design special cases out of existence 设计特殊情况不存在

    10.9 Design special cases out of existence 设计特殊情况不存在 10.9 Design special cases out of existence 设计特殊情况不存在 For the same reason that it makes sense to define errors out of existe...