微服务开发框架升级 添加Choerodon Chart仓库 升级register server 升级config server 升级manager service 升级asgard service 升级notify service 升级iam service 升级api gateway 升级gateway helper 升级oauth se...
7. Security id="security" 7.1 Security Overview id="security_overview" 7.2 Encryption and Authentication using SSL id="security_ssl" Generate SSL key and certificate for each ...
设计 - 分布式 DNS 了解分布式 DNS 实现 ZooKeeper 监视器 DNS 转发器接口 设计 - 分布式 DNS 了解分布式 DNS 任务在 DC/OS 中频繁四处移动,资源必须通过应用程序协议动态解析,并且通过名称来提及。这意味着 DNS 是 DC/OS 的一个组成部分。我们已选择 DNS 作为 DC/OS 中所有组件之间...
Add Kafka as Receiver (aka Collector) Prerequisite Step 1: Create a Kafka cluster and a Kafka topic Add Kafka as Receiver (aka Collector) KubeSphere supports using Elasticsea...
Virtual Infrastructure Operating DC/OS on Virtualized Infrastructure - Best Practices Performance and Capacity Guidelines Recommendations: Time Keeping Guidelines Recommendatio...
Stateful Applications StatefulSet Basics Example: Deploying WordPress and MySQL with Persistent Volumes Example: Deploying Cassandra with a StatefulSet Running ZooKeeper, A Dist...