添加额外的曲线物体 激活 界面 信息 添加额外的曲线物体 这个插件把许多创建曲线物体的插件组合到一个里。 激活 打开Blender,打开用户偏好设置下的插件栏。 下拉框选添加曲线,然后勾选 Extra Objects 来启用插件。 界面 Located in the 3D Viewport ‣ Add ‣ Curve. ...
Create Guide Index Map 输入 属性 输出 Create Guide Index Map Creates an integer attribute named guide_curve_index that stores the nearest guide curve for every curve to its neares...
Curvature 3D Curvature 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turn...
曲率 3D 曲率 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turns at the point....
曲率 3D 曲率 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turns at the point....
曲率 3D 曲率 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turns at the point....
曲率 3D 曲率 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turns at the point...