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  • Apache Druid vs SQL-on-Hadoop

    Apache Druid vs SQL-on-Hadoop Queries Data Ingestion Query Flexibility Druid vs Parquet Apache Druid vs SQL-on-Hadoop SQL-on-Hadoop engines provide an execution engine for ...
  • 将Apache日志存储到Minio

    使用fluentd插件聚合Apache日志 1. 前提提件 2. 安装 3. 步骤 第一步:创建存储桶。 第二步:修改fluentd配置以使用Minio作为存储后端。 第三步: 重启 fluentd server. 第四步: 检查fluentd的日志以确认是否一切正在运行。 第五步: 验证你的配置。 第六步: 验证聚合的日志。 使用...
  • Presto

    Presto Version Preparing Paimon Jar File Tmp Dir Configure Paimon Catalog Install Paimon Connector Configuration Kerberos Create Schema Create Table Add Column Query Pre...
  • Presto

    Presto Version Preparing Paimon Jar File Tmp Dir Configure Paimon Catalog Install Paimon Connector Configuration Kerberos Create Schema Create Table Add Column Query Pre...
  • Overview

    Overview Supported FileSystems Dependency Overview Apache Paimon utilizes the same pluggable file systems as Apache Flink. Users can follow the standard plugin mechanism to c...
  • Manage Tags

    Manage Tags Automatic Creation Create Tags Delete Tags Rollback to Tag Manage Tags Paimon’s snapshots can provide an easy way to query historical data. But in most scenarios...
  • Manage Tags

    Manage Tags Automatic Creation Create Tags Delete Tags Rollback to Tag Manage Tags Paimon’s snapshots can provide an easy way to query historical data. But in most scenarios...
  • Hive

    Hive Version Execution Engine Installation Hive SQL: access Paimon Tables already in Hive metastore Hive SQL: create new Paimon Tables Hive SQL: access Paimon Tables by Extern...
  • Hive

    Hive Version Execution Engine Installation Hive SQL: access Paimon Tables already in Hive metastore Hive SQL: create new Paimon Tables Hive SQL: access Paimon Tables by Extern...
  • OSS

    OSS OSS Download paimon-oss-0.9.0.jar . Flink If you have already configured oss access through Flink (Via Flink FileSystem), here you can skip the following configuration....