运算符拦截 运算符拦截 New in version 2.6. 为了性能最大化, Jinja2 会让运算符直接条用类型特定的回调方法。这意味着,通过重载 Environment.call() 来拦截是不可能的。此外,由于运算符的工作方式,把运算符转换为特殊方法不总是直接可行的。比如为了分类,至少一个特殊方法存在。 在 Jinja 2.6 中,开始...
Loop Controls Loop Controls Import name: jinja2.ext.loopcontrols This extension adds support for break and continue in loops. Afterenabling, Jinja2 provides those two keywords...
Templating Jinja2 Chameleon Mako Templating Most WSGI applications are responding to HTTP requests to serve content in HTMLor other markup languages. Instead of directly gen...
Frequently Asked Questions¶ Why is it called Jinja?¶ How fast is it?¶ How Compatible is Jinja2 with Django?¶ Isn’t it a terrible idea to put Logic into Templates?¶ Why is Autoe...