AI 缓存 功能说明 配置说明 配置示例 AI 缓存 功能说明 AI 缓存插件实现了将 LLM 响应进行抽取并缓存的功能,对于向 LLM API 高频请求相同问题的场景可以显著降低响应时延并节省成本。默认配置方式可以直接用于 openai 协议的结果缓存,同时支持流式和非流式响应的缓存。 需要数据面的proxy wasm版本大于等于0.2....
Why a new compiler? Why a new compiler? Why not modify the existing compiler to produce binaries for microcontrollers? There are several reasons for this: The standard Go co...
Call WasmEdge functions from an Android APK app Quickstart Building Project with Gradle Building Project with Android Studio Review of the source code Android UI The native lib...
Wasm Overview Note Component format Spec metadata fields Binding support Example request Related links Wasm Detailed documentation on the WebAssembly binding component ...
Important Build Options Important Build Options There are a few flags to control how binaries are built: -o Output filename, see the build command. -target Select the targ...