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  • E2E testing

    E2E testing info Version: 5.x E2E testing info As microfrontends gain widespread adoption, testing tools will catch up and the testing story will improve. End to End (E2E) t...
  • Overview

    Parcels Version: 5.x Parcels Parcels are an advanced feature of single-spa. We recommend that you use applications as the primary type of microfrontend in your architecture. Se...
  • Single Page App in Dev Portal

    Hosting Single Page App out of Kong Dev Portal Prerequisites What is a SPA Making Choices Getting Started Create your SPA Mounting an SPA Loading your layout Deploy the Porta...
  • FAQ

    What does single-spa do? Is there a recommended setup? Should I have a parent/root app and children apps? What is the impact to performance? Can I have only one version of (Rea...
  • 拆分应用

    选择 1: 一个代码仓库, 一个build包 选择 2: NPM包 选择 3: 动态加载模块 对比 在大型微服务系统中,你的single-spa基础配置和每个应用程序都应该有自己的git仓库。如何在JavaScript项目中实现这一点暂无定论,因此下面列出了一些建议。 由于single-spa是一个有助于组织扩展的框架,因此了解如何将应用程序彼此...
  • Overview

    Quick Example Parcel configuration Parcel Lifecycles Bootstrap Mount Unmount Update (optional) Example use cases Modals mountRootParcel vs mountParcel Which should I use...
  • Single Page App in Dev Portal

    Hosting Single Page App out of Kong Dev Portal Prerequisites What is a SPA Making Choices Getting Started Create your SPA Mounting an SPA Loading your layout Deploy the Porta...
  • Backbone

    NPM package Quickstart Option 1: Using RequireJS with data-main Option 2: Using RequireJS without data-main Option 3: Load Backbone app using production build Options Note...
  • FAQ

    single-spa做了什么? 有没有推荐设置? 我应该有一个根应用和子应用吗? 对性能有什么影响? 我可以只加载一个版本(React, Vue, Angular等等)吗? 重要的映射有什么? 如何在应用程序间共享状态? 我应该使用前端微服务吗? 我能使用多个框架吗? 开发人员的体验是怎么样的? 每个single-spa应用可以拥有自己的...
  • Single-Page Applications

    Single-Page Applications Single-Page Applications Flask can be used to serve Single-Page Applications (SPA) by placing staticfiles produced by your frontend framework in a subf...