漫射 漫射 参考 类型 域 面板 Physics ‣ Fluid ‣ Diffusion Liquid diffusion defines the physical properties of a liquid and in turn define how a liquid interacts with its environment. T...
漫射 漫射 参考 类型 域 面板 Physics ‣ Fluid ‣ Diffusion Liquid diffusion defines the physical properties of a liquid and in turn define how a liquid interacts with its environment. Th...
漫射 漫射 参考 类型 域 面板 Physics ‣ Fluid ‣ Diffusion Liquid diffusion defines the physical properties of a liquid and in turn define how a liquid interacts with its environment. T...
粒子 粒子 Spray Create spray particles during the secondary particle simulation. Spray particles are those that appear to fly through the air above the liquid surface when there i...