Proxies and the Reflection API Proxies and the Reflection API ECMAScript 5 and ECMAScript 6 were both developed with demystifying JavaScript functionality in mind. For example,...
EcmaScript 6 and TypeScript Features EcmaScript 6 and TypeScript Features 我们常说的“JavaScript”语言的正式名叫“EcmaScript”。 新版本的JavaScript,“EcmaScript 6”或“ES6”,提供了许多新功能,扩展了语言的能力。ES6在今天...
Summary Summary Functions haven’t undergone a huge change in ECMAScript 6, but rather, a series of incremental changes that make them easier to work with. Default function par...
Defined Defined JS is an implementation of the ECMAScript standard (version ES2019 as of this writing), which is guided by the TC39 committee and hosted by ECMA. It runs in bro...
Object Literal Syntax Extensions Property Initializer Shorthand Concise Methods Computed Property Names Object Literal Syntax Extensions The object literal is one of the mos...
About This Book Browser and Node.js Compatibility Who This Book is For Overview Conventions Used Help and Support About This Book A good understanding of ECMAScript 6 feat...
7.3. Convert a key to a value 7.3. Convert a key to a value The steps to convert a key to a value are as follows. These steps take one argument, key, and return an ECMAScript v...