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  • Docker

    Docker Dockerfile Build Image Run Container Docker kratos-layout Dockerfile is provided by default, and multiple stages build is recommended to get the smallest size of cont...
  • Docker

    Docker Install Docker and Docker Compose Important host settings Run OpenSearch in a Docker container Deploy an OpenSearch cluster using Docker Compose Sample docker-compose.yml...
  • Docker

    Docker Setup Getting Started Introduction Starting a Session Cluster on Docker Deployment Modes Application Mode JobManager additional command line arguments Session Mode Fl...
  • Docker

    docker Overview Requirements Usage Requirements Usage Special features Known Issues Troubleshooting Verify Docker container type is Linux Run with logs Deploying MySql on ...
  • Docker

    Docker Install Docker and Docker Compose Important host settings Run OpenSearch in a Docker container Deploy an OpenSearch cluster using Docker Compose Sample docker-compose.yml...
  • Docker

    Run k0s in Docker Prerequisites Container images Start k0s 1. Initiate k0s 2. (Optional) Create additional workers 3. Access your cluster Use Docker Compose (alternative) Kn...
  • Docker

    1. Official Images 2. Build your own Image 2.1. Using a Local Release 2.2. Using an Official Apache Release 2.3. Customizing the Image 2.3.1. Environment Variables 2.3.2. Mappi...
  • Docker

    Run k0s in Docker Prerequisites Container images Start k0s 1. Initiate k0s 2. (Optional) Create additional workers 3. Access your cluster Use Docker Compose (alternative) Kn...
  • Docker

    Docker Dockerfile Build Image Run Container Docker kratos-layout Dockerfile is provided by default, and multiple stages build is recommended to get the smallest size of cont...
  • Docker

    1. Official Images 2. Build your own Image 2.1. Using a Local Release 2.2. Using an Official Apache Release 2.3. Customizing the Image 2.3.1. Environment Variables 2.3.2. Mappi...