书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.008 秒,为您找到 112 个相关结果.
  • [英文] Kubernetes clusters for the hobbyist.

    This guide answers the question of how to setup and operate a fully functional, secure Kubernetes cluster on a cloud provider such as DigitalOcean or Scaleway. It explains how to o...
  • Prometheus v1.13 Documentation

    Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule ...
  • KubeSphere v3.0 Documentation

    KubeSphere is a distributed operating system managing cloud native applications with Kubernetes as its kernel, and provides plug-and-play architecture for the seamless integration ...
  • ElasticJob Lite v2.x 教程

    Elastic-Job-Cloud使用Mesos + Docker的解决方案,额外提供资源治理、应用分发以及进程隔离等服务。
  • 小米云深度学习

    小米云深度学习服务,简称Xiaomi Cloud-ML,是小米生态云针对机器学习优化的高性能、分布式云服务。
  • LF Edge eKuiper v1.4 Documentation

    LF Edge eKuiper is an edge lightweight IoT data analytics / streaming software implemented by Golang, and it can be run at all kinds of resource constrained edge devices. One goal ...
  • TiKV deep dive

    TiKV is a distributed, transactional key-value database. It has been widely adopted in many critical production environments — see the TiKV adopters. It has also been accepted by t...
  • Kubespray v2.10.4 Document

    Kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster。Can be deployed on AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere, Packet (bare metal), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Experimental), or...
  • LF Edge eKuiper v1.3 Documentation

    LF Edge eKuiper is an edge lightweight IoT data analytics / streaming software implemented by Golang, and it can be run at all kinds of resource constrained edge devices. One goal ...
  • Volcano v1.0 Documentation

    Volcano is a Kubernetes native system for high-performance workloads, which has been accepted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as its first and only official container b...