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  • Appendix: FLOSS

    Appendix: FLOSS {#floss} Appendix: FLOSS {#floss} NOTE: Please note that this section was written in 2003, so some of this will sound quaint to you :-) “Free/Libre and Open...
  • 8.4.3. EXTRACT()

    8.4.3. EXTRACT() Returned Data Types and Ranges MILLISECOND WEEK 8.4.3. EXTRACT() Available in DSQL, ESQL, PSQL Syntax EXTRACT (< part > FROM <datetime> ) <par...
  • Syslog

    Syslog Configuring Syslog Syslog You can configure Rancher to send Kubernetes logs to a Syslog server. Configuring Syslog You can configure Rancher to send cluster or pro...
  • Syslog

    Syslog Configuring Syslog Syslog You can configure Rancher to send Kubernetes logs to a Syslog server. Configuring Syslog You can configure Rancher to send cluster or pro...
  • 百度云对象存储 BOS

    百度云对象存储 COS 步骤 1. 开通百度云对象存储OSS 2. 创建私有 Bucket 3. 创建 Access Key 4. 配置 5. 迁移与重启 配置参考 百度云对象存储 COS 当前,以演示站点域名moredoc.mnt.ltd 和对象存储绑定的域名static.moredoc.mnt.ltd 来作为配置演示,其他配置项仅作为...
  • Using SSL Between Helm and Tiller

    Using SSL Between Helm and Tiller Overview Generating Certificate Authorities and Certificates Generate a Certificate Authority Generating Certificates Creating a Custom Tiller...
  • Ingress Sidecar TLS 终止

    Ingress Sidecar TLS 终止 准备工作 启用全局 mTLS 为外部暴露的 httpbin 端口禁用 PeerAuthentication 生成 CA 证书、服务器证书/密钥和客户端证书/密钥 为证书和密钥创建 Kubernetes secret 部署测试服务 httpbin 配置 httpbin 以启用外部 mTLS 验证 在 ...
  • 无 TLS 终止的 Ingress Gateway

    无 TLS 终止的 Ingress Gateway 生成客户端和服务端的证书和密钥 部署一个 NGINX 服务 配置 ingress gateway 清除 相关内容 无 TLS 终止的 Ingress Gateway 安全网关 说明了如何为 HTTP 服务配置 HTTPS 访问入口。 而本示例将说明如何为 HTTPS 服务配置 HTTPS ...
  • Ingress Gateway without TLS Termination

    Ingress Gateway without TLS Termination Before you begin Generate client and server certificates and keys Deploy an NGINX server Configure an ingress gateway Cleanup Ingres...
  • Ingress Gateway without TLS Termination

    Ingress Gateway without TLS Termination Before you begin Generate client and server certificates and keys Deploy an NGINX server Configure an ingress gateway Cleanup Ingres...