ExceptionHandler ExceptionHandler Additionally you can implement a ExceptionHandler ; a generic hook for handling exceptions that occurs during the execution of an HTTP request...
提供一个新的activity 提供一个新的activity 现在我们准备去创建一个DetailActivity 。我们详情activity将会接收一组从主activity传过来的参数:forecast id 和城市名称 。第一个参数将会用来从数据库中请求数据,城市名称用于显示在toolbar上。所以我们首先需要定义一组参数的名字: public ...
ExceptionHandler ExceptionHandler Additionally you can implement a ExceptionHandler ; a generic hook for handling exceptions that occurs during the execution of an HTTP request...
3.6.2 Refreshable Scope 3.6.2 Refreshable Scope The Refreshable scope is a custom scope that allows a bean’s state to be refreshed via: /refresh endpoint. Publication of ...
Variable Evaluation Variable Evaluation Our evaluation function now depends on some environment. We should pass this in as an argument and use it to get a value if we encounter...
Literals Literals Numeric literals can be type annotated by adding the type as a suffix. As an example,to specify that the literal 42 should have the type i32 , write 42i32 . ...