SHOW ROUTINE LOAD example keyword SHOW ROUTINE LOAD example Show all routine import jobs named test 1 (including stopped or cancelled jobs). The result is one or more line...
SHOW ROUTINE LOAD example keyword SHOW ROUTINE LOAD example 展示名称为 test1 的所有例行导入作业(包括已停止或取消的作业)。结果为一行或多行。 SHOW ALL ROUTINE LOAD FOR test1; 展示名称为 test1 的当前正在运行的例行导入作业 SH...
用法 Verification Implementation Data Broker Local Broker Data Historical Broker Data Bundle Data Traffic Distribution Least Long Term Message Rate Strategy The modular lo...
RESUME ROUTINE LOAD example keyword RESUME ROUTINE LOAD example Restore the routine import job named test 1. RESUME ROUTINE LOAD FOR test1; keyword RESUME,ROUTINE,LOAD...
Handling Load Errors Handling Load Errors Readable external tables are most commonly used to select data to load into regular database tables. You use the CREATE TABLE AS SELEC...